The Hellenic Open University supports the 1st Half Marathon of Patras

The Hellenic Open University supports the 1st Half Marathon of Patras

The Hellenic Open University was founded in 1992 in Patras and is the only online/distance learning university in Greece. The Hellenic Open University was established to fill a gap for telematic and distance education in the higher education system of the Hellenic Republic in response to the growing demand for continuing education and lifelong learning. 

It is an honor to welcome the support and collaboration of the Hellenic Open University as an institutional supporter of the 1st Patras HalfMarathon.


The Running Team of HOU has already been mobilized, the hashtag #fastertogether has been around for some time! The Hellenic Open University, based on the participation program of its students, will take place with a big team of participants substantially supporting the goal to create an international istitution empowering the running movement in the area and further out. The Hellenic Open University offers a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate, life long training programmes. The Schools of the University are : School of Humanities: 

The School of Humanities (S.A.E.) is one of the four schools having actually The School currently has 16 Members of TRS (Teaching and Research Staff), (6 Professors, 7 Associate Professors, 3 Assistant Professors). It offers a total of twenty-one study programs (three undergraduate study programs and nineteen postgraduate study programs). School of Social Sciences: 

The School of Social Sciences is one of the four Schools of the HOU established by the founding law N.2552/97, formed into an entity in 2005. The School of Social Sciences has as its main objective the provision of knowledge and skills in the social sciences, with particular emphasis on management and economics. 

School of Positive Sciences and Technology:  The School currently has 15 D.E.P. At S.H.E.T. subjects of Positive Sciences (Physical Sciences, Mathematics), Informatics and Engineering Sciences (Environmental Engineering and Environmental Planning, Management and Construction of Technical Projects, etc.) are taught. Studies in Film Writing, Practice and Research. 

If only we could award a gold  metal for the commitment and support and sports’ spirit then we

have a winner Hellenic Open University thank you !!!
